About FitPower Sensor Installation

This article details the best practice for FitPower installation in general terms.

FitPower installation is important as you will get more value from the system with a well-placed FitPower on each of your equipment. To ensure the best possible installation, some guidelines are provided below to help you.

1. Cable Size

The FitPower sensor is designed to best fit cables of 10mm or more in diameter. If you need it to be installed on a smaller cable, an adapter will be required. This can be requested by contacting us directly here.

2. Attachment Location 

The best practice is to install FitPower on the straightest part of the cable, and as far away from other cables as possible. If you can, try to avoid installing the sensor on curved sections of the cable as this will make monitoring your equipment's current more difficult. 

3. Secure Attachment

Be sure to check the FitPower is mounted securely on the cable to receive clear and accurate data. If the FitPower is vibrating, this will interrupt the magnetic field. 

Ensure that the zip ties have been pulled at tight as they can by hand, and test to ensure the FitPower will not slide along the cable or shift around by giving the FitPower a gentle wiggle in a couple of different directions and feeling for a small rocking movement.


What else should I look at?


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